Is your lift system in compliance with the necessary regulations? Lift testing is absolutely essential for any business owner or organisation who wants to ensure their system will meet safety regulations.
We offer South West England thorough testing of lifts and are qualified to perform any necessary maintenance or upgrades. We do everything we can to ensure our customers’ peace of mind.
Thorough and reliable lift testing
We also offer the full range of SAFed Supplementary Tests which may be required by more thorough examiners. These can be quickly arranged and completed to ensure that your lift avoids any unnecessary downtime.
As well as the lift site survey, Euro Lifts Limited also provide support on lift testing requirements and responsibilities – this service is available to all lift owners who want to check their compliance or get advice on how to ensure their lift remains in a safe condition.
Get in touch with Euro Lifts
Euro Lifts Limited employs fully qualified lift technicians, who are readily available to carry out full or part tests to ascertain compliance with all of the relevant modern standards. These tests can be carried out on any lifts which may require certification. Contact us for further information or to arrange a lift test.
Call us to arrange your lift testing today